Preserve precious moments by capturing them forever!! I want your images to be YOU! I want your images to be FUN! You playing, or laughing, or looking at the person that matters most with so much love and happiness that you couldn’t imagine a better moment. I want to tell your story through photographs, so you have them forever, so you can look back and remember. I want you to look at your portraits and laugh, or cry (but in a good way), and say to me, “I can’t believe you caught that!”

A few little tid-bits about me...
1. I love being married. I think we laugh constantly, and I love every minute of it! That's my husband and I at the left. Our first child, a baby girl named Dillyn Marie, arrived in August of 2013. Our 2nd, Easton Michael, arrived August of 2016! I can't explain to you how much the love I feel for them consumes my life!!! I love being a Momma!!!
2. I would say my 2nd love in life is ART. I've been an artist and creative almost since I learned to hold a crayon! Photography, painting, drawing, ceramics, etc! You name it! I LOVE it!!!
3. GO CATS!!!! I'm a huge KSU fan. HUGE. It's almost annoying. But not really. ;)
4. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Photography (from KSU, if you didn’t guess that already). It took me more than the standard 4 years to get, but dang it, I got it! Whoop Whoop!!!
5. And lastly, I'm a little weird. I like it. Actually, I love it. I grew up introverted and with huge insecurities, basically suppressing my weirdness so that society would 'like me', but through the love & support of my family and close friends I now embrace it!!! Every day I break out of my shell more and more, and every day I love myself a little bit more!!!!